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To place an order using a new credit card, please contact Customer Service at 800-422-6423 or 1-207-288-5845 to have your account updated.

Order Details

You can look up strain information here: https://mice.jax.org
Blood Order
The standard method of euthanasia is carbon dioxide asphyxiation for mice over eight days of age
Decapitation must be used for embryos that are E15 or older, or pup eight days of age (PND8) and under.

Note: The amount of blood in a mouse varies by body size, age, sex, and mutation. The amount that can be obtained varies by method, with the most obtained by cardiac stick. Typically, one young adult mouse can supply 0.5-0.7 mls of whole blood, and 0.2-0.25 mls of serum or plasma, by cardiac stick. More blood is obtained from older mice, and from male mice.

Please include days, weeks, months.

To insure proper handling of these biological tissues, please indicate the purpose of this tissue order

Collection Procedure:
The mice are euthanized by CO2 (carbon dioxide) asphyxiation and the blood is collected via a cardiac puncture. A new sterile needle and syringe are used for each mouse. Blood for sera or plasma is placed in an appropriate centrifuge tube and kept at room temperature for 20-30 minutes before being centrifuged. The blood product is placed in an appropriate collection tube for the type of product requested for storage and shipment as requested below. 

Tissue Order
Please include days, weeks, months.

To insure proper handling of these biological tissues, please indicate the purpose of this tissue order

* Consider RNAlater below for an additional charge

* RNAlater can be kept at any temperature. If -80 is desired, the manufacturer recommendation is to place it at 4C overnight before transfer to -80

Important Notes: 

1. Cancellation Policy: This is a special order and will be subject to a cancellation fee. For precise details please visit our Purchase Policies - Cancelation, Order Changes, and Credit page

2. The price of this service does not include the cost of the mice needed to perform the service. The cost of the mice is additional.